Proteome Informatics Group > Java Proteomic Library



The package org.expasy.jpl.commons.base.cond provides powerful mechanisms to test conditions.

It provides a condition builder and objects to create expressions over conditions.

Condition is largely propagated in all JPL filters.


A condition over a specific class of objects is to be tested against a specific operand and operator given at building time. Then, the satisfiability of the condition is tested against a valid object.

Generic Parameters of ConditionImpl.Builder

  1. <T> the first type stands for the object class to Test.
  2. <V> the second type stands for the Value type really tested.

If data types are not compatible given the operator, you will have to define a stub that handles the access from <T> to <V> and give it to the accessor method.

For example, in the following condition new ConditionImpl.Builder<List, Integer>(5).accessor(stub).build() we have provided a stub that returns an Integer from the List parameter.

Here is a definition of a condition over Doubles equivalent to the following equality 'x = 50.0'.

// the default operator is 'equals'
Condition<Double> condition = 
	new ConditionImpl.Builder<Double, Double>(50.0).build();

The condition is then evaluated on x (here '50.01') that eventually return false.


Here is a less strict version equivalent to 'x ~ 50.0':

condition =
	new ConditionImpl.Builder<Double, Double>(50.0).operator(

Sometimes the object to test is not of the same class type that the value to test with.

In a first case, it is a classical wishing situation when it imply specific set operators like belongs or contains:

// A simple set
final Set<Double> s1 = new HashSet<Double>();
// Another set
final Set<Double> s2 = new HashSet<Double>();
final Condition<Set<Double>, Set<Double>> cond =
	new ConditionImpl.Builder<Set<Double>, Set<Double>>(s2).operator(

In other cases, like noticed above, we have to provide an accessor method that makes the link to the object to test the predicate:

import import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer;

List<Integer> l = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
// this stub reduces a List to its size (Integer)
Transformer<List, Integer> getListSize =
	new Transformer<List, Integer>() {
	public Integer transform(final List l) {
		return l.size();
// the condition with the path correctly set
Condition<List, Integer> hasThreeElements =
	new JPLCondition.Builder<List, Integer>(3).accessor(

Expression Tree over Conditions

Expression trees represent code in a tree-like data structure, where each node is an expression over Condition. It is then possible to create conditions over condition:

ConditionInterpreter<Double> engine =
// the engine has an internal symbol table
// creation of a condition assigned to "c1"
engine.addCondition("c1", new ConditionImpl.Builder<Double,
// creation of a condition assigned to "c2"
engine.addCondition("c2", new Condition.Builder<Double,

// creation of a complex condition over "c1" and "c2"  
Condition<Double> condition = engine.translate("c1 & c2");


Caveat due to java reified-less generic

If object and value classes are not compatible because the user did not specify the path or did not set the correct operator, a IllegalStateException is thrown at testing time and not at building time :-(

We could have added a mandatory parameter to the builder to redundantly set the object class (the T in Condition<T, V>) and compare it with the value type at building time. Unfortunately, it is not possible to write some generic class like Collection. For example:

... you can't write class literals for generic types like List<String>.class, or test if an object is an instanceof List<String>, or create an array of List<String> ( in Reified Generic for Java).

For all these reason, we had to test it at testing time and not at building time.