This application generates decoy sequences.
usage: FastaDecoy <Fasta> [-a] [-d <arg>] [-e <arg>] [-f <arg>] [-h] [-i <arg>] [-k <arg>] [-l <arg>] [-m <arg>] [-o <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-q] [-s <arg>] [-t <arg>] [-v] -a,--append combine decoy and original in one result file by default: true. -d,--decoyFlag <arg> decoy flag by default: DECOY_. -e,--enzymes <arg> define enzyme that digest proteins separately with: enzyme name among 'Caspase-1, Caspase-10, Glu-C_bicarbonate, Caspase-3, Thermolysine, Lys-C, Pepsin_pH1.3, Caspase-8, Glu-C_phosphate, Caspase-9, Caspase-5, CNBr, ChymoTrypsin_lowspec, Trypsin, ChymoTrypsin_FYL, Proteinase-K, Caspase-7, Pepsin_pHgt2, ChymoTrypsin_highspec, BNPS-Skatole, Enterokinase, Caspase-6, Arg-C, Asp-N, ChymoTrypsin_FYLW, Caspase-4, Caspase-2'. or custom motifs respecting the following grammar: <pre-cut> <cut-token> <post-cut> <cut-token> := '|' <pre-cut> := (<AA> or <AA-class>)+ <post-cut> := (<AA> or <AA-class>)+ <AA> := [A-Z] <AA-class> := '[' AA+ ']' by default: Trypsin. -f,--fastaFormat <arg> Format of fasta header. Either simple ">P00001" sp (SwissProt) ipi (IPI) or user defined with the following syntax: regexp@separator@index regexp: regular expression to identify header separator: char that separates header entries index: index of protein name in list of header entries example (SwissProt header): "^sp\|.+$"@|@1by default: simple. -h,--help print this message. -i,--setting-file <arg> give a property file with all input settings. -k,--keepTerm <arg> Keep terminus of shuffled peptides (peptideShuffle method only). Either cterm (keep C-Terminus) nterm (keep N-Terminus) none (do not keep termini) by default: cterm. -l,--length <arg> don't shuffle peptides shorter than : 5. -m,--method <arg> method for decoy sequence generation. Either peptideShuffle (random permutation of peptide sequence leaving C-term) proteinShuffle (random permutation of protein sequence) proteinReverse (reverse protein sequence) by default: peptShuffle. -o,--output <arg> set the output filename -p,--decoyFlagPos <arg> where to insert decoy flag beforeID: before protein id startHead: beginning of header line (after '>' sign) startHead&beforeID : both of the above by default: beforeID. -q,--quiet quiet mode (verbose off) by default: false. -s,--simThreshold <arg> maximal similarity between shuffled und original peptide spectrum : 0.0. -t,--shuffleTrials <arg> maximal number of peptide shuffling trials : 10. -v,--version print the version info.
The latest version is v1.0 - Download app.