Recipe 0.2. Making integer sequences
You want to create a sequence of integers.
Here is a code that build a sequence of integers given a jpl interval (see the section see also):
// [0, 10[ IntegerSequence seq = new IntegerSequence.Builder(0, 10).build(); // a sequence of integers can be converted in integers int[] ints = seq.toInts(); // a sequence of odd integers seq = new IntegerSequence.Builder(1, 10).by(2).build(); // seq: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Assert.assertEquals(5, seq.size());
It is also possible to create a sequence from an integer interval:
// interval: [0, 10[ Interval interval = new Interval.Builder(0, 10).build(); // build a sequence from the previous interval IntegerSequence seq = new IntegerSequence.Builder(interval).build(); // generate integers Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals( new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, seq.toInts()));
See Also
See also the recipe about intervals.