Proteome Informatics Group > Java Proteomic Library

Recipe 2.7. Splitting a peptide


You want to split a peptide in a list of biological elements.


PeptideResidueManager can extract each bio-elements such as N/C termini and its residues in a list:

import org.expasy.jpl.core.mol.polymer.pept.PeptideResidueManager;

// get the manager unique instance
PeptideResidueManager manager =

// create a peptide
Peptide peptide =
	new Peptide.Builder(
// split the peptide in a list of molecules
List<Molecule> l = manager.split(peptide);

// list of residues + N/C terminus
Assert.assertEquals(peptide.length() + 2, l.size());

Assert.assertTrue(l.get(0) instanceof NTerminus);
Assert.assertTrue(l.get(1) instanceof ModifiedMolecule);
Assert.assertTrue(l.get(2) instanceof AminoAcid);


See Also