Proteome Informatics Group > Java Proteomic Library

Recipe 0.0. Creating a domain of definition


You want to create a new domain of definition for any type.


A domain of definition corresponds to the set of all permitted values (the range) of a specific object type.


In the JPL, each domain of definition has to implement the interface DomainOfDefinition:

// the domain of definition of all odd integers
public class OddIntegerDoD implements
	private DomainOfDefinition<Integer> {
	public static OddIntegerDoD newInstance() {
		return new OddIntegerDoD();
	public boolean contains(Integer t) {
		return t % 2 == 1;

// a new instance
OddIntegerDoD dod = OddIntegerDoD.newInstance();



Domains of definitions may be integrated in Condition as new object to be tested with its specific operator OperatorBelongsToDoD.

See Also

See also the recipe about the simple domain of definition interval and about conditions.